Moving Your Business? Follow These Essential Commercial Moving Tips

Is your business moving to a new office space and the moving day is approaching? If so, you'll definitely need to know some tips for moving an office, which is quite different from moving your home.

Create An Inventory 

One of the challenges of moving an office is that everything doesn't fall into the simple categories like when moving a home. Things are not easily defined as belonging to a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, or living room. Instead, you'll have a complicated organizational structure that needs to be kept as everything goes into boxes. 

The best way to deal with this problem is to create a detailed inventory of everything that you are moving. Every single box should not get a name, but a unique number assigned to it. You'll then list everything that is going into that box on a separate inventory list. This will help you find anything at your new location since you can easily check the inventory list to know exactly where something is located. 

Label Office Furniture

Large office furniture should also be included on the inventory list by assigning each item a unique number. This will help ensure that the same desk chair goes back to the same employee's desk and that everything is accounted for in the end. 

Have Employees Pack Up Their Own Desk 

It's important to make employees responsible for their own individual work spaces. This means that they pack up their own desk, make sure that things are organized in a way that they can find them, and take home personal items that do not need to go to the new office space. That employee's box of items will be assigned a number on the inventory list, and they'll know exactly where all their belongings are when setting up their new desk.

Take Important Items With You

Sometimes there are things that are just too important to leave with professional moves, either due to fear of them being damaged or lost within a move. This could include a laptop, important financial records, or customer information that you simply cannot lose. Consider assigning these important items for employees to take with them. Let the moves handle the heavy office furniture, but assign the more important tasks to employees. 

Verify Your Inventory List

Once everything has arrived at your new office you'll want to verify the inventory list to make sure that everything has arrived. As long as you've been tracking each item and box with unique numbers, you can cross things off the list and find out what is missing immediately. 

Contact a commercial moving service to learn more.
